Transforming a service corridor into a multi-functional meeting place.
Farquhars Lane is a space with the potential to be part of a growing pedestrian network stretching from The Esplanade to King Street and from Church to Jarvis but is not yet living up to this promise.
The laneway is in good condition but currently lacks the infrastructure and amenities to attract more than passing usage, and is functioning almost exclusively as a service corridor. The St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood BIA is looking for opportunities to improve the area’s numerous laneways and has chosen Farquhars Lane as a pilot site for this initiative.
Working with the BIA, local residents, businesses and organizations, The Laneway Project developed a master plan for Farquhars Lane that will transform the laneway into an attractive, safe and comfortable place that encourages people to walk through or linger, while at the same time continuing to act as an important access route and service space for adjacent buildings.
St. Lawrence Market
St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood BIA
St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood BIA | St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Association