Safe, appealing, and accessible public space is an essential part of any healthy neighbourhood.
On average, Toronto is well ahead of recommendations for per-capita public space availability, but the space is unevenly distributed; in particular, older downtown and midtown neighbourhoods have significant shortages. Our city is fortunate to have a vast network of more than 2400 public laneways which are largely concentrated in these neighbourhoods. Currently planned and designed as service-only spaces, with strategic improvements these lanes can become complete shared spaces that accommodate active transportation, green elements, recreation, and socializing.
We created the Toronto Laneway Manual 2.0 to be part of our suite of free resources and share the knowledge we’ve gained while designing and implementing laneway revitalizations in more than 30 neighbourhoods throughout the city.
The Toronto Laneway Manual 2.0 includes updated information on the regulations and requirements relevant to laneways from the City of Toronto’s Transportation Services, City Planning, Infrastructure Services and Solid Waste Management divisions, and Toronto Fire Services.
We’ve outlined a summary of applicable policy to be used for guidance purposes as you work to improve your own laneway. Remember, it’s important to check with your local Councillor and relevant city divisions before proceeding with the implementation of any laneway improvements.
Our free urban planning resources will help you understand the details as you start thinking about the possibilities for revitalizing and incorporating laneways as part of the public realm in the City of Toronto.
The Laneway Project has developed over a dozen free-to-user public planning resources for use by grassroots-level community groups. Discover our resources below, and please consider donating to support the creation of more useful tool kits.
Turning Laneways into Public Places, a Laneway analysis framework
The Toronto Laneway Map of Toronto’s public laneways and contextual variables
How-To Guides on collaborating to revitalize a laneway, keeping your laneway clean, throwing laneway events, creating a laneway mural, implementing greening measures, and getting your laneway named
Case study examples of Laneways We Love to serve as inspiration
Master Plans outlining the transformation of real Toronto Laneways
If you need help being pointed in the right direction, are interested in getting involved with our work, want to share your own laneway improvement project, or would like to engage our services as consultants and partners on your laneway initiative please send us an email.
If you see the value of empowering Toronto communities to unlock the potential of their local laneways and would like to support the ongoing creation of new free-to-user public planning resources, we invite you to become an official Toronto Laneway Champion by pledging a monthly donation today in support of The Laneway Project.